Support the Lambda Iota Society Board of Governors

Use the below form to designate a gift to Lambda Iota to support: building maintenance funds; general use funds; and funds to publish our newsletter.
To submit a gift via postal mail, download a news and gift form.

cards Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express accepted

 Minerva: $65
 Trysting Tree: $113
 On Springfield Mountain: $513
 Wise Old Owl: $1313
 Founder ($1313 or more):
 Additional gift amount:

 I would like make these gifts in memory of

Contact Information

First Name: Last Name:
City: State/Province:
Zip/Postal Code: Country:
E-Mail Address:

Credit Card Information

Card Number:   Exp. Date:
CVV Code: This is the three- or four-digit security code on your card.
All member and credit card fields are required.